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Daily Press: "SS United States, built in Newport News, gets 3-D laser scan"

We're excited to share a recent article about the America's Flagship written by Hugh Lessig of the Daily Press in Hampton Roads, Virginia:

"The SS United States was a technological marvel of its day, a sprinting giant of a ship that rose from the Newport News shipyard in 1952 and earned legions of fans along the way.

Those supporters now hope a new generation of technology can tell the ship's story and save it from the scrap heap.

It all began about two years ago when a crew from Gibbs & Cox wanted to get smarter on 3-D laser scanning. The naval architectural and marine design firm is headquartered in Arlington and has an office in Newport News.

Keith Harper, design group vice president, thought the sweeping spaces of the 1950s-era ocean liner, now docked in Philadelphia, would be the perfect proving ground. Truth is, everyone at Gibbs & Cox is a bit biased when it comes to the SS United States...."


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