Conservancy Southeast Chapter Celebrates Maiden Voyage of the SS United States
On this 65th anniversary of that famous transatlantic trip, we want to feature the efforts of one of the SS United States Conservancy's regional chapters with a few gems from their Facebook page.

65 years ago today, the SS United States would depart New York to set off across the Atlantic on her record shattering maiden voyage!
On July 3, 1952, the Big U departed at noon from the north side of Pier 86 in New York City (opposite from where the USS Intrepid now resides as a museum) with over 1,700 lucky passengers in what was to become the most publicized maiden voyage for a ship in history.
It was no secret that the SS United States was fast, her sea trials proved that by releasing to the public that the superliner had to return to Newport News with overheated bearings.
Among the 1,700 passengers, Margaret Truman (daughter of President Harry S Truman) was aboard with her friends. Ms Truman would take the helm with Commodore Harry Manning helping her guide the ship at one point during the crossing.
America waited in anticipation to see if this new symbol of the USA would indeed smash the record of the Queen Mary once and for all and restore America's supremacy on the high seas after 100 years. Of course, we all know what happened three days later ;D
On this 65th Anniversary, the Southeast Chapter will cover the ships maiden crossing from today through July 14th at the conclusion of her maiden voyage so that you may feel the excitement shared by those who sailed aboard her felt at record shattering speeds!
We encourage all of you to visit to join and donate today to save America's namesake ocean liner for future generations to cherish.

Wrist bands out, flags flying, horns sounding, it's the most important day in our flagship's history!
Happy Anniversary to the #SSUnitedStates as at noon, eastern standard time, she would depart Pier 86 in New York to secure America's bid for supremacy on the high seas!
With prolonged blasts from her whistles, resonating throughout Manhattan, her turbines awoke.
As her engines and boilers roared to life, she hesitated as two other vessels, the MV Italia and MS Stockholm, passed. Once the river was clear, the Big U, with 1,700 passengers aboard, came to life and backed into the river.
Bands played both on the ship and on shore as the crowds cheered and whistles from various ships sounded as the great liner was eased into the Hudson River with the help of Moran Tugboats. Then, history began!
LONDON, July 3, 1952
Officially, Britons are coolly aloof toward American passes at the transatlantic speed record by ship: Unofficially, they're red hot for the home team.
The newspapers treated the departure of the challenger, the United States, on her maiden crossing today as the curtain-raiser in history's biggest water derby. The printed tables of statistics to help the man in the street gauge the merits of the 990-foot United States, the 1,019-foot Queen Mary, and the 1,031-foot Queen Elizabeth.
But a Cunard-White Star spokesman pitched his approach on this chilly plane: "We are not racing. We have schedules and keep to them. We'll certainly do nothing to cause discomfort to our passengers or endanger either their safety of that of our ships."
The Queen Elizabeth is now out at sea a day and a half from New York. Commodore George Cove of the Elizabeth said, "The weather's fine."
But Commodore Cove, who is slated to retire soon, was quoted yesterday as saying that it would not be a bad idea if a "memorable fast voyage" came at the end of his career.
Men who sailed aboard the Queen Elizabeth during her wartime days as a trooper said she once bettered 35 knots. The United States, maritime circles believe, has already exceed 35 knots.
Want to learn more about the Southeast Chapter? Visit It's never too late to get involved with the SS United States Conservancy-- have you told a friend about our GoFundMe page? Join the effort to save America's Flagship today!