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The USMMA Climbs Aboard the Big U

This fall, the Conservancy has been proud to spend time among the distinguished faculty, staff, and students of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

Last month, we reported on the unveiling of a grand painting of the SS United States in the Academy's Ackerman Auditorium. That event was made possible by the generous efforts of the Merchant Marine Academy's "Great Class of 1979," including the Vice President of the Conservancy's Board of Directors, Frank DeGiulio.

Last week, midshipmen from the Merchant Marine Academy made a special trip down from Kings Point, New York to South Philadelphia, where they enjoyed a bow to stern tour of America's Flagship. It was wonderful to see these young mariners get a first-hand look at one of America’s great engineering marvels.

For photos from this unforgettable day, view the slideshow below.


The SS United States has created unforgettable memories for countless former passengers and crew. We can save this magnificent vessel for future generations, but we need your help.

Do you have memories of your time aboard America’s Flagship? Send us an email at

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